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Learn more >“But I hate Tequila!” we hear you scream. It's because of that bad experience back when you were a teenager that you don't really remember, but know that Tequila was involved,...
For large swathes of Europe the fruit Eau de Vies aka Schnaps are the spirit of choice. Crafting a perfect example of these palate masseurs takes great fruit-growing and distilling skills topped...
You've removed the old junk from that little cabinet in your living room - it's now earmarked as your 'home bar'. Congratulations! You've made the perfect first step.
The year is over, but its best liquid discoveries won’t soon be forgotten! Our power source, well over half a million members of the Flaviar spirits community, have once again...
Whisky is a globally renowned drink, but most people assume it's typically produced in either Scotland, Ireland, Japan or America. But did you know that Whisky is produced in a...
Champagne is well-known for its ability to lift up the spirits and set the mood. Champagne cocktails are stylish and very retro - perfect drink for Flaviaristas!