Flaviar Times
Do You Know You Conduct a Scientific Experiment Every Time You Drink Absinthe?
The Green Fairy is not only the most mysterious of drinks, but also a scientific phenomenon. When it's served with a few drops of water added to it, the clear...

What a complete load of balls!
And quite literally too – ice balls that is. And they’re making quite a… ahem… ‘stir’ at the moment in the fine drinks world.
Home Bars of Flaviar Stars: From New Jersey to Vienna
Spirits cabinet, Home bar, Liquor shelf, whatever you call it, is a holy grail of every home. Three Flaviaristas stepped forward to show us theirs, so we’re peeking through their...

Probably the Weirdest Way to Serve Drinks: Deep-Fried
Forget the whole neat vs. on rocks debate, the world is moving on! A Fish & Chips joint from Preston, England, now came out with the most unusual way to...

A True Story on How a Scot Started Drinking Scotch
There are two kinds of people in this world, says Thom*. Those that drink Whisky and those poor unfortunates doomed to go through a vague semblance of life never realising...

How to Pronounce Scotch Names - in Video!
So you like Scotch… If you don’t drink it alone (which you shouldn't), chances are, you’ve already had the conversation on how to pronounce all those tongue-breaking names of Scotch brands.