Flaviar Times

Your Nosing Abilities Are Better Than You Think
Human nose is capable of detecting billions more smells than 10,000 as it was previously assumed.

Let Them Eat Bread (And Drink Champagne)!
When one of the Flaviar team decided to treat us to bread fresh-from-the-oven, we went with the less-is-more in choosing the toppings, but our glasses were filled for the naughty...

Hangovers: Do Some Spirits Really Bite Harder Than Others?
You know the scene: you wake up in your bed to what looks like the start of a beautiful, sunny day.But then the sunlight coming in feels like laser-guided flame-throwers…...

Meet the Drink: Dalmore 2000 13YO Willi Opitz Homok Finish
You’re entering a rather exclusive club when sipping Dalmore 2000 13YO Willi Opitz Homok Finish. With only 289 bottles produced, it’s quite a rare find that we’re bringing you in...

The Real Reason Why all Irish Pubs Look the Same
Enter an Irish pub anywhere in the world and you've seen them all. You might think it's because they're not big on experimenting with interior design, but here's the real...
Kick-off Your Party Mexican Style!
“Would you like to start with a shot of Tequila?” Now that is a proper way to be greeted at a party. If you want to show some real cojones, leave salt...