Flaviar Times

Winter Warmer You Should Try: Orange Jam With a Bourbon Twist

Winter Warmer You Should Try: Orange Jam With a Bourbon Twist


When it's cold and moody outside, nothing beats the smell of freshly baked food filling the house. But you can forget about this being the smell of homemade cookies, as...

Yo ho ho And a Bottle of Rum!


Rum skeptics out there are quite likely to say that the “best way to drink Rum is in a cake!” Well, we're here to tell you that if this is...

3 Tips on Buying Scotch Whisky for a Gift


Whisky makes a great gift, right? Ab-so-lute-ly! But what Whisky should you buy as a gift? The shelves are long and full and we don't want you to be confused,...

Spanish Inquisition Silver Edition


"Nobody Expects the Spanish Inquisition!" But all of you who subscribed to Flaviar’s November pack, should be opening your mailboxes with caution! Our Spanish Inquisition crew is all lined-up at Flaviar’s...

Sipping it Through Movember

Sipping it Through Movember


Waxing the stache this month? Meet three of your fellows, who also happen to make some great drinks.

Winemakers Have More to do With Spirits Than you Think

Winemakers Have More to do With Spirits Than you Think


It’s that time of the year when grape juice starts fermenting and turning into wine.