We spent a few hours mixing and tasting in the Flaviar Lab to come up with the perfect drink for your summer parties and barbecues. Featuring Bubbles, Bourbon and "oh-so-aromatic" Lavender for that special touch.

To fill about 15 glasses, you will need:
→ A bottle of Prosecco or Californian Champagne or, what the heck, just pour a bottle of a fine Champagne if you want to go all YOLO
→ 7.4 dcl Sparkling Water (25 oz)
→ 3 dcl Aperol (10 oz)
→ 2.2 dcl Bourbon (7.5 oz)
→ 0.3 dcl Honey (1 oz)
→ 10 Fresh Lavender Sprigs
→ 10 Fresh Rosemary Sprigs
→ 3 Oranges
→ Lots of ice
We shaped this recipe in a way that lets you prepare most of the things in advance. You only need a few more minutes to finalize when your guests arrive and you’ll be ready to join them.
About half an hour before serving: Pour Aperol, Honey, and Bourbon in the punch bowl. Stir thoroughly, until all Honey dissolves in the liquid. Add Lavender Sprigs. Rub Rosemary with your hands, than add it to other ingredients. Leave to rest in the fridge, so that the herbal flavours of Lavender and Rosemary can fully infuse.
When you’re ready to serve, add the rest of the ingredients: Mineral Water, Californian Champagne, Orange Slices, and Ice. Stir very gently this time (not to loose all bubbles) and serve. Garnish with Lavender and Rosemary.